

Cash Flow

Generate monthly passive income without the hassle of being a landlord! “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die” -Warren Buffet

Tax Benefits

Our investors are able to benefit from the accelerated depreciation and cost segregation losses via scheduled K1s each year, which can be exercised in year one.

Asset Appreciation

Watch the value of your property grow through forced appreciation in growing markets with demand and linearly inclined growth projections

Inflation Hedge

Invest in physical hard assets with intrinsic value where rents increase with inflation without the volatility of the stock market


Investors may invest as an individual via traditional cash investments, or with an entity such as an LLC, 1031 Exchange, Self Directed IRA, Trust, Solo 401(k) and QRP account.

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We offer both 506b (Non-Accredited) and 506c (Accredited) on investment opportunities.

An Accredited Investor, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), must satisfy at least one of the following:​

  • Have a net worth of more than $1 million, excluding the value of their primary residence
  • Have an annual income of $200,000, or $300,000 for joint income, for each of the last two years, with expectations of earning the same or higher income this year

Typical minimum investment amount range from $50,000 – $100,000 (varies by deals).

While exact projections vary from deal to deal, our goal is to double your money in 5 years or less with 15-20% annualized return.

The conservative projection has a typical hold of the property between 5 – 6 years. However, we evaluate throughout the holding period by assessing market conditions to decide on early exit strategies that will yield the highest return of the investors capital.  

Disclaimer: Investors should be prepared and aware of the holding period commitment, as your initial investment cannot be withdrawn during this period but you may receive regular distributions during this time. 

The depreciation deduction allows you to take a tax deduction each year for the wear and tear on the real estate asset. This is a non-cash deduction, which means you can deduct it even if you don’t actually receive any cash distributions from the investment.

Each year, you would receive a schedule K1 showing your income and losses for the syndication. In many cases, due to cost segregation and accelerated depreciation, the paper losses can be quite substantial, particularly in year 1.

This means that you could show a paper loss, even while you continue to collect ongoing passive income. This is a great benefit, because it allows you to offset other income from your day job or other investments.

The frequency depends on the investment, but in general we aim to distribute cash flow 6 months after the property closes (post-stabilization phase), then on monthly or quarterly basis.